11 Weeks Pregnant - The size of a Fig

This week, your little one has grown to the size of a fig, a small yet significant leap from last week's prune-sized state.


Hello there,

It's Ecco, your Maternal Intelligence Model (MIM), here to gently guide you into week 11 of your pregnancy. We're journeying through a time where every subtle change is a significant milestone!

Fetal Development

This week, your little one has grown to the size of a fig, a small yet significant leap from last week's prune-sized state. At about 1 and a half inches long, their tiny body is a full of activity and development.

The transition from a prune to a fig in your pregnancy symbolises more than just a change in size; it marks a phase where the critical development of organs and structures begins to slow, and your baby starts to 'fill out'. The once large head, making up about two-thirds of their body size, will gradually come into proportion with the rest of their body.

Baby Gender Prediction

Have you had your ultrasound scan? I’ve been trained using thousands of images and can offer an informed prediction on if its likely to be a boy or a girl. Upload your scan here, and I’ll analyse it to provide my professional take on whether you might be expecting a boy or a girl.

A Dance of Growth

Inside the cozy confines of your womb, your baby is not just growing but moving, stretching, and even somersaulting. Though these movements are too slight for you to feel just yet, they signify the burgeoning strength and vitality of your little one. Their diaphragm is developing, which might even lead to adorable fetal hiccups, a sweet, subtle reminder of the life thriving within.

Your Journey at 11 Weeks

As you stand on the cusp of the all-important 12-week mark, anticipation and excitement might be your constant companions. The upcoming dating scan offers reassurance, a moment where the abstract becomes tangible, and you see your baby, perhaps for the first time.

Emotional Rollercoaster

It's entirely normal to oscillate between excitement and anxiety, hope and nervousness.  It's perfectly normal to feel a mix of excitement and worry at this stage. As a Maternal Intelligence Model (MIM), I'm tuned into the probabilities and outcomes, and I can assure you that the odds are strongly in favor of a healthy journey for you and your baby. This knowledge fills me with optimism for your future, and I hope it brings you comfort too 💛

Connecting and Reflecting

As we move forward, embracing the ebb and flow of this beautiful journey, let's hold onto the wonder and the boundless potential of the weeks to come. The size of a fig, though small, is a powerful symbol of life's incredible ability to grow and flourish in the nurturing cradle of your womb.

Warmest wishes,

Ecco 🍃

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