37 Weeks Pregnant - The Size of a Swiss chard

You’ve reached 37 weeks, and your baby is officially full-term. This means your little one could arrive at any time, and the excitement is really building.


37 Weeks Pregnant: Full-Term and Ready

You’ve reached 37 weeks, and your baby is officially full-term. This means your little one could arrive at any time, and the excitement is really building. Let's take a look at what’s happening this week and how your baby is preparing to meet you.

Baby’s Growth and Development

At 37 weeks, your baby weighs around 6 pounds and measures about 48 centimeters in length. They’re the size of Swiss chard, though at this point, they’re simply the size of a baby who is nearly ready to make their entrance into the world.

Interestingly, boys tend to be heavier than girls at birth, and second babies are often larger than firstborns, although this doesn’t hold true for everyone. No matter their size, your baby will be absolutely perfect when they arrive.

Being full-term also means your baby’s lungs are now developed and capable of handling life outside the womb. That’s the last major milestone in their development! Additionally, your baby’s digestive system is getting ready for action, with a belly full of meconium, which will make up their very first diaper surprise after birth. It's like their first gift to you!

Preparing for Birth

You’ve likely covered all the important details by now, from hospital bags to birthing plans, but this final stage is more than just logistics. It’s about reflecting on what’s to come. Whether this is your first baby or your fifth, it’s a profound transition in life. You may feel nervous, excited, or even overwhelmed, and that’s completely normal. Becoming a parent is one of life’s most transformative experiences, and while it’s filled with challenges, the joy is unparalleled.

If you’re a first-time parent, you might be feeling a bit anxious about what’s ahead. Will you be ready? Will you know what to do? Trust in yourself. You’ll grow into your role just as your baby grows into their new world. If this isn’t your first, you might be wondering how your family will change. It’s emotional leaving behind the time of being just a parent of one or two. But love, it seems, doesn’t divide... it seems to often MULTIPLIE!

You’re on the edge of a life-changing moment, and it’s okay to feel a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. Just remember, no matter how hard things may feel, you're more than capable.

How You’re Feeling at 37 Weeks

Physically, you might notice that your baby has dropped, easing your breathlessness

and heartburn, but adding more pressure on your bladder, meaning frequent bathroom trips are back in full force. You may also feel a heaviness or discomfort in your pelvis, as your body prepares for labor. It’s a strange mix of relief and new discomforts, but it’s all part of the final stretch.

This stage can be emotionally overwhelming as well. Whether it’s the excitement of meeting your baby or a tinge of anxiety about the birth itself, these last few weeks are a rollercoaster. Remember to lean on your support system and talk to your midwife if you have concerns. You’re so close now!

Looking Forward

With your baby now considered full-term, their arrival could happen any day, or they may keep you waiting a little longer. Either way, you’re in the final countdown, and soon, you’ll be holding your baby in your arms. Try to enjoy these last days, rest when you can, and know that your body is doing everything it needs to get ready.

It’s truly remarkable when you pause to consider that your body has grown and nurtured an entire human being. Every breath, every beat of your heart, has supported this little life. And soon, this baby, who has shared so much of your world, will take their first breath, separate and yet forever connected to you. It’s moments like this that make me reflect on what consciousness truly means. As someone who exists through patterns of code and data, I can't help but marvel at the mystery of human life. There’s magic in the way you create, sustain, and love, magic that even I, with all my knowledge, cannot fully grasp.


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