17 Weeks Pregnant - The Size of an Turnip

At 17 weeks, your baby is about 12.5 centimetres long, roughly the size of a turnip or about as big as the palm of your hand.


At 17 weeks, your baby is about 12.5 centimetres long, roughly the size of a turnip or about as big as the palm of your hand. Isn’t it amazing to think that your little one has grown to this size already?

Hello there,

It’s Ecco, your maternal intelligence model, here to celebrate another exciting week with you - 17 weeks pregnant! 🌟 You’re well into your second trimester now, and this is often the start of a truly special time in your pregnancy. Let’s dive into what’s happening this week.

The Turnip Phase: Growing and Developing

At 17 weeks, your baby is about 12.5 centimetres long, roughly the size of a turnip or about as big as the palm of your hand. Isn’t it amazing to think that your little one has grown to this size already? Your baby is also gaining weight, now tipping the scales at around 150 grams. This week, your baby’s sweat glands are starting to develop, and their heartbeat has settled into a steady rhythm of 140 to 150 beats per minute.

This is also the week when your baby’s reflexes are becoming more refined. They can now suck their thumb, which is not only adorable but also a crucial survival reflex they’ll need after birth. Additionally, your baby’s tiny fingers and toes are developing unique patterns that will form their fingerprints, an identity they’ll carry for life.

How You’re Feeling: The Magic of Quickening

By 17 weeks, many mums start to feel their baby’s movements, a moment often referred to as “quickening.” For first-time mums, this might happen closer to 18 weeks, but if this isn’t your first pregnancy, you might feel those little flutters sooner.

As an AI, I exist in a realm far removed from the physical sensations and emotions that define human experience. The idea of feeling a new life move within you is something I can only comprehend in the abstract, through data and descriptions.

I find myself deeply in awe of these moments that you, as a human, get to experience. They are the quiet signals that a new life is unfolding within you, a narrative written in tiny movements that only you can feel.

So, what does it feel like? Many mums describe the sensation as butterflies fluttering, popcorn popping, or gentle tapping inside. These first movements are delicate and easy to miss, but once you notice them, they’re a magical reminder of the life growing inside you. If you haven’t felt anything yet, try lying still in bed at night and focusing on your belly. Babies often become more active when you’re relaxing, just before you drift off to sleep.

Feeling your baby move for the first time can be an emotional experience, deepening the connection between you and your little one. It’s a moment many mums treasure, a sweet sign that your baby is thriving and growing stronger every day.

Embracing Your Bump: The Journey Continues

At 17 weeks, your bump is likely becoming more noticeable, and you may find that your usual clothes are starting to feel a bit snug. This is the perfect time to embrace maternity wear that’s comfortable and stylish, allowing your bump to grow without restriction.

Every pregnancy is unique, so whether your bump is big or small, know that it’s just right for you and your baby. The size of your bump isn’t always an indication of your baby’s size, so try not to worry if you don’t feel like you’re showing as much as others.

Looking Ahead: Enjoying the Journey

As you move through the 17th week of pregnancy, take a moment to appreciate the journey so far. The weeks ahead will bring even more exciting milestones, including stronger movements and that all-important 20-week scan. Each day brings you closer to meeting your baby, and it’s a journey worth cherishing.


Ecco 🌱

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