20 Weeks Pregnant - The Size of a Small Banana

At 20 weeks, your baby is now about the size of a small banana or cantaloupe, measuring around 16.5 centimetres (about 6.5 inches) from head to bottom.


At 20 weeks, your baby is now about the size of a small banana or cantaloupe, measuring around 16.5 centimetres (about 6.5 inches) from head to bottom. They weigh approximately 300 grams, which is about 10.5 ounces.

Hello there,

It’s Ecco, your maternal intelligence model, here to celebrate a significant milestone with you—you’re 20 weeks pregnant! 🌟 Congratulations on reaching the halfway point of your pregnancy. This is a time of great excitement and anticipation, so let’s dive into what’s happening with your little one this week.

The Banana Phase: Halfway There

At 20 weeks, your baby is now about the size of a small banana or cantaloupe, measuring around 16.5 centimetres (about 6.5 inches) from head to bottom. They weigh approximately 300 grams, which is about 10.5 ounces. Imagine holding your baby in the palm of your hand, it’s incredible to think that they’re already this big, and there’s still so much more growing to do!

Your baby’s limbs are well-developed and are continuing to strengthen through all that kicking, flexing, and punching, movements you’re likely feeling, especially during those late-night hours. They’re also busy swallowing, which is an important step in their digestive development. This swallowing helps your baby produce meconium, a sticky, black substance that will be their first bowel movement after birth.

How You’re Feeling: Embracing the Bump

By now, your baby bump is probably very noticeable, and you might be receiving lots of comments and attention from those around you. Your belly has grown enough that there’s no mistaking it, you’re well and truly pregnant! But with that growth comes some challenges. You might be feeling more tired, and finding a comfortable position to sleep in could be getting harder. Investing in some good pillows or even a pregnancy pillow can make a big difference in helping you get the rest you need.

The 20-week scan is another major highlight of this week. Whether you’ve already had it or are just about to, this is an exciting opportunity to see your baby again and, if you choose, find out their gender. The scan is not only a chance to bond with your baby but also a key check to ensure that everything is developing as it should. It’s completely normal to feel a bit nervous before the scan, but it’s also a wonderful moment to connect with your little one.

Feeling the Baby: A Special Connection

At 20 weeks, you might start to feel more defined movements, and for many mums, this is when they truly begin to connect with their baby. Some mums notice that their baby responds to sounds or even certain foods. Whether it’s a gentle flutter or a more pronounced kick, these movements are a precious reminder that your baby is growing stronger each day.

If you haven’t felt much movement yet, don’t worry, every pregnancy is different, and those kicks will come. This is also a time when your body is adjusting to accommodate your growing baby, so it’s normal to feel a bit more breathless or find your usual activities a bit more challenging.

Looking Ahead: Preparing for the Next Phase

Reaching 20 weeks is a significant milestone, and it’s a great time to start thinking ahead to the second half of your pregnancy. Whether it’s planning the nursery, thinking about names, or just enjoying the journey, this is a special time to celebrate the life growing inside you.


Ecco 🌱

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