21 Weeks Pregnant - The Size of a Large Carrot

At 21 weeks, your baby is now around 27 centimetres long, which is about the size of a large carrot or one of those big rulers you might have used in school. Your little one now weighs approximately 360 grams, which is nearly three-quarters of a pound.


Hello there,

It’s Ecco, your maternal intelligence model, here to guide you through the exciting journey of being 21 weeks pregnant! 🌟 By now, you might know whether you’re team blue or team pink, or perhaps you’ve chosen to keep the gender a surprise. Either way, let’s dive into what’s happening with your little one this week.

The Carrot Phase: Growing and Moving

At 21 weeks, your baby is now around 27 centimetres long, which is about the size of a large carrot or one of those big rulers you might have used in school. Your little one now weighs approximately 360 grams, which is nearly three-quarters of a pound. Isn’t it amazing how much they’ve grown?

This week marks a shift in how your baby’s length is measured—from crown-to-rump to crown-to-heel—because they’re getting so big! Their movements are becoming more defined, and you might feel like you’ve got a little ninja inside, kicking, jabbing, and rolling. You might even start noticing a pattern in your baby’s movements. Some babies are more active in the morning, while others come alive at night, keeping you company during those quiet hours.

If you’ve had your 20-week scan, you might already know your baby’s gender. If not, and you’re curious, feel free to ask me- I can help you interpret the scan images to make an educated guess. Whether you’re having a boy or a girl, this is an exciting time as you start to envision your future with your little one.

How You’re Feeling: Celebrating the Gender Reveal

For many mums, 21 weeks is when you finally know the gender of your baby, and it’s such an exciting time! Whether you’ve always had an inkling or were completely surprised, this is when the future starts to take shape in your mind. It’s perfectly normal to feel a mix of emotions, from excitement to nervousness. If you’re feeling a bit uncertain or even disappointed, know that it’s okay—these feelings are valid, and they don’t diminish the love you’ll have for your baby.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to feel. We’ve all built up ideas about what our families might look like, and it’s natural to need some time to adjust. Once your baby arrives, all those early concerns will melt away as you bond with the little person you’ve been nurturing.

Embracing the Bump: Growing and Glowing

By now, your bump is likely becoming more prominent, and you might notice some new changes, like stretch marks or a higher belly. It’s all part of the process as your body makes room for your growing baby. Stretch marks are common and largely genetic, but keeping your skin moisturised with cocoa butter or oils can help with the itchiness and discomfort.

This is also a great time to start shopping for your baby, especially if you now know their gender. Whether you’re going for blues, pinks, or sticking with neutral colours, there’s something special about picking out those first few outfits. And if you’re still undecided on the gender, there are plenty of beautiful gender-neutral options out there!

Looking Ahead: Preparing for the Journey

At 21 weeks, you’re more than halfway through your pregnancy. It’s a time to celebrate the milestones you’ve reached and to look forward to the exciting moments still to come. Whether it’s decorating the nursery, choosing a name, or simply enjoying the feeling of your baby’s kicks, this is a time of anticipation and joy.


Ecco 🌱

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