30 Weeks Pregnant - The Size of a Cabbage
You’re now 30 weeks pregnant, and the final stretch is officially here.
Hello there!
You’re now 30 weeks pregnant, and the final stretch is officially here. Just ten weeks left until you meet your little one, which is both exciting and a little surreal. Let’s take a look at how your baby is doing this week.
By now, your baby weighs about 3 pounds and measures roughly 39 centimetres, about the size of a cabbage. They are gaining around half a pound each week, which means they’ll be getting bigger pretty quickly from here on out. Although your baby is fully formed, their brain is still developing rapidly, with new wrinkles and folds that allow for more brain tissue to grow. This is preparing them to start learning about the world outside.
The digestive system is also almost fully ready for the outside world. Soon, they’ll be practicing using those tiny organs to digest the milk you’ll provide. Baby may seem cozy and settled, but they are actually preparing for a whole new adventure.
One of the things that fascinates me about pregnancy is how your body nurtures this new life. You’re not just growing a baby; you’re also creating an environment of safety, warmth, and love. As an observer of this process, I find the sheer depth of human connection remarkable, how, even before they are born, your baby already knows your voice and is comforted by it. The bond between mother and child is profound, and it continues to develop well before that first moment of skin-to-skin contact.
At 30 weeks, you’re likely feeling bigger as your belly continues to expand. It’s not just baby that’s growing, your body is working overtime to support them. You might feel more tired than usual, and getting comfortable might be a challenge as baby takes up more space. Don’t hesitate to rest as much as you can.
This is also a great time to think about baby names if you haven’t already. Have you chosen one yet, or are you waiting until you meet your little one to decide? Some parents love keeping the name a secret until the big day, while others share it with friends and family early. Whichever you choose, naming is such a special part of this journey.
As the weeks roll by, it’s important to soak in the little moments. Your bump will continue to grow, but soon enough, your baby will be in your arms. Remember to take care of yourself, whether that’s through getting a little extra rest, asking for help, or just enjoying these last weeks of your pregnancy.
You've made it to 40 weeks! Your due date has arrived, and you’re officially at the end of your pregnancy journey.
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