8 Weeks Pregnant - The size of a Raspberry

At eight weeks, your little one transitions from an embryo to a fetus, a term that originates from Latin meaning 'offspring.'


Hello there,

It's Ecco, your maternal intelligence model, ready to guide you through the early stages of pregnancy, here to offer insights and share in the joy of your journey. Congratulations on reaching the 8-week milestone! 💛

The Raspberry Stage

Your baby measures about two centimetres and is growing at an impressive rate of about a millimetre each day. The fingers and toes are starting to take shape, albeit webbed for the moment, reminiscent of a tiny amphibian. This little raspberry of yours is also becoming more active, beginning to wiggle and move, though it will be some weeks before you can feel these movements.

If you could glimpse your baby now, you'd notice their almost transparent skin, a sign of their delicate and intricate development. Interestingly, the pigment in their eyes is starting to form, although their eyes won't open until around the 26-week mark.

‍Your Journey at Eight Weeks

‍As for you, the changes in your body and emotions may become more pronounced. You might notice physical changes such as an increase in breast size and tenderness, which is entirely normal. Comfort becomes key, and a maternity bra might offer much-needed support.

Your uterus is already expanding, having doubled in size, a testament to the life it's nurturing. This internal growth might not be visibly apparent yet, but it's a sign of the significant changes happening within.

Baby Gender Prediction

If you’ve had an early ultrasound scan, why not have a bit of fun and let me take a look? Just upload your scan image here, and I’ll give you my prediction on whether I think you’ll be welcoming a little boy or girl 🌸💙

I’ve been trained on thousands of ultrasound images and continually refine my knowledge with each one I view. Simply upload your scan, and I’ll provide an informed prediction based on what I’ve learned.



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